* Catching up with Passions (PS Two Scoops Commentary for November 26, 2007) | Soap Central

Catching up with Passions

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Catching up with Passions
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The week of November 26, 2007
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When will Gwen wake up and smell the coffee? When will she realize that Ethan is not worth her time? She should let Ethan and Theresa get together, because those two are capable of destroying themselves without any help from her.

Welcome to the first week of our Two Scoops auditions, Soap Central fans. In our second column, Soap Central has offered up a column for your enjoyment. Please take some time to read over it and then drop us a line to let us know what you think, whether you'd like to read more from Soap Central every week -- or if you'd like to wait to read from someone else. And if you would like your own chance at being a Two Scoops columnist, please click here for more details.

Quite a few people were disappointed when Passions was canceled from NBC. It now has a new home on Direct TV (DTV). I was excited that the storylines (SL's) were moving faster during the last week Passions was on NBC; however, I was shocked that head writer James E. Reilly (JER) returned to his old ways of writing.

Many hoped that the Gwen/Ethan/Theresa (GET) triangle would finally end when Gwen divorced Ethan, but it's full speed ahead for JER. When will Gwen wake up and smell the coffee? When will she realize that Ethan is not worth her time? I thought for sure that she was going to dump him and raise Jonathan on her own, but she is using him to tear Ethan and Theresa apart. Grant you, Theresa has been a thorn in her side for eight long years, so it's fitting that she would want some pay back. She should let Ethan and Theresa get together because those two are capable of destroying themselves without any help from her.

I am ecstatic that Pilar has her own SL independent of her children. She deserves one. I only hope that JER continues to give her good materials.

I missed Endora. Thanksgiving on Passions was not the same without her. All we saw was a turkey and a thought bubble. Why did they even bother doing that? Instead of a Thanksgiving get together, all we had was Tabitha spreading evil around Harmony. Speaking of Tabitha, she was at her best when Charity, Grace/Faith were around. Passions is really not the same without them. Grace/Charity/Tabitha made up the supernatural aspect of the show. All we have now are Tabitha and Kay. That is such a snooze fest. Please bring back Charity, Grace, and Endora. Grace & Charity may not have been that popular, but they did serve a purpose. They helped to tip the scale between the forces of good and evil. I really don't care for all this evil. There has to be a balance somewhere.

I am so sick of all the magic being used to break up couples. I was loving the relationship between Fancy, and Luis, but JER sort of destroyed it, the same way he destroyed Luis and Sheridan. Once upon a time, I used to like Sheridan, but now, she irritates me. The last straw was when she aided in Fancy's rape. Luis doesn't care for Sheridan anymore because he sees how vicious she has become. What irritates me is the magic that is used to force them to be together. If JER was focused on a triangle between Fancy/Sheridan/Luis, he could have caused conflicts between the two without all that magic. Frankly, his writing frustrates me. Nothing seems planned. Everything seems so haphazard. For example, quite a few of us was waiting for Fancy and Luis to make love for ages, but Sheridan kept doing these stupid things to interrupt them. I got so frustrated that at one point I wished JER had not put them together. He should let things happen naturally between the couples. Create a real conflict, and give the couples a chance to make tough decisions. He could have one of them go outside the relationship to seek help or comfort, and then fall for someone else. That angle certainly beats all the frustrated junk JER has been feeding us. Please, stop the madness!

Eve's storyline has potential. I only wish JER didn't turn her into an alcoholic. He can continue to explore the fallout between her and Vincent, but please, please make her sober.

I was glad that Esme was added as a regular. She really lights up the screen when she is on. I also loved her interaction with Pretty. She saw right through her. I loved her "it takes one to know one" comment. She is just as devious as Pretty, so she knows of what she speaks. I hope JER has good things in store for her.

I left Vincent for last because I have mixed feelings about him. I absolutely loved the Down Low (DL) storyline he had, but JER didn't do it justice. It was just a plot point to tear Chad and Whitney apart. JER really didn't delve deep into that area. I don't care for Vincent committing incest at all. That is just sickening, and I cannot cosign that SL. I don't mind the conflicts between him, Eve and Julian however. Just leave the incest part out.

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Reminder: To let us know what you thought of this week's audition, please drop us a line.

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